Utilize Your Own Meta Variables for extra insight

Create Variables and they will be attached to the associated Sales, Customers and Subscriptions that they yield. This personal, extra layer of data can be vital to management and advertising choices.

Easy to Implement

Simply add the Shoppy tracking snipped to any landing page, and amend your url with the tracking variables you want. Those variables will be permanently attached to any customer, action, or subscription that results from the click. Include as many as you want in a single URL.

See Them on Customer and Sale Records

Shoppy allows you "at a glance" to see the meta data for a given sale or customer when you view that record. Know exactly how the customer found you, when helping them with support issues or placing a new sale.

Include Metadata in your In-Depth Reports

Create full blown reports in your dashboard based on the meta data you collect. See metrics like revenue, lifetime value, ROI and more based on the events that include the meta data you generate.

Make Hyper-Educated Advertising Choices

By including some meta data variables on your landing page URL's you will be able to establish the value of each click you buy, and track the Future purchases of the customers the ad generated. This lets you set amazingly accurate acquisition goals and take real, educated actions in ad management.